now we provide this tour for all the fans of stargazing... itinerary: We try during the first part of the tour to explain the naked eye sky. What do we see when we look at the stars, what is a constellation, how to learn them, how to read a sky map and recognize the main stars. We use a green laser pointer to show you unambiguously the various constellations. When the moon is visible, it is possible to take images of it through the telescopes provided you have a digital camera.While you can find a lot of astronomical photographs on the web, there is nothing like the experience of visual observing. Everybody has seen images of Saturn, but the first time you really see the planet with your own eyes through a telescope becomes a moment to remember. We have the largest park of telescopes of any public observatory in south America (between 20 and 60cm diameter), correctly aligned to always provide the best possible view, in order to let you discover some of the incredible views the sky has to offer. These telescopes are correctly maintained, and we use only high quality eyepieces to provide clear, sharp wide angle views. The 60cm telescopes are the largest touristic telescope in Chile, and we are currently working on a larger one with 72cm of diameter. Large diameters give much better views of the sky. What is hard to see in a 30cm telescope becomes quite visible, some stars show very vivid colors, and some nebulae start to be visible in color (normally, at night, we see in black and white).Our tours are ending around a warm drink to talk a little bit before returning to San Pedro. The tours last two hours and a half. The schedule vary during the year (later during the summer, i.e. january and february). We are in the desert and the nights are cold. It is very important to be warmly dressed in order to enjoy the tour without getting cold.
As seem quite obvious, we can not do the tour when the sky is covered by clouds. If the satellite map show obviously that the tour will be canceled, we do cancel it. We can then either move your reservation to a following night, or we reimburse your tour.
Atacama沙漠觀星行程: 這是我們最新推出的行程喔..有興趣可以來信跟zisha講.. 哈..快 誰要當第一個..已經有客人跟zisha 加購這個行程,記得要拍照給zisha :-)) 行程內容: ** 請自行到集合點: 在 Domingo Attienza街和 Caracoles街的轉角 **行程時間: 2.5小時/ 夏天 21:00開始/冬天: 19:00開始 **一團人數: 不超過24人 ** 請注意: 1. 晚上的沙漠是非常的寒冷,請務必做好保暖動作 2. 如衛星地圖明顯顯示雲層密布整個星空,我們將取消行程,我們可將行程往後延一晚或做退費的動作 3. 我們無法預測天氣的變化,如行程有任何變化,將以當地旅行社提供的行程為主
行程的一開始,我們的導遊將會解釋如何從我們的肉眼所觀看的星空是怎樣的,可以看到什麼,什麼時間可看到星星,什麼是星座,如何學習看它們,閱讀星空圖及如何辨識主星等 且你將有機會透過天文望遠鏡拍下清楚的月球表面
在整個南美,我們擁有最完整的觀星設備,並正確的指出最佳的觀點,是為了讓你發現了一些令人難以置信的天空美景。我們只使用高質量的目鏡,以提供清晰,銳利的廣角畫面,60厘米望遠鏡在智利是最大的旅遊望遠鏡,目前我們也使用另一個較大的直徑為72厘米的望遠鏡。行程結束後,我們將圍繞一起,享受熱茶並與同行者聊聊天文星象。之後我們將返回SAN PEDRO市,請步行返回旅館